Interested in getting involved?
One of the most powerful things you can do is talk about these stories with your friends, family, and community. Share resources about the legacy of nuclearism in the American West, and help keep this history alive.
To share your story of life downwind, visit the Downwinders of Utah Archive website.
To support downwinders and uranium-impacted people, add your voice to the efforts to expand RECA, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Program.
- Contact your elected officials and ask them to support S. 197, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments.
- To learn more about RECA, or to see if you or a family member qualifies for compensation, visit the RECA website.
- If you're a downwinder outside of Utah, seek out organizations like the Idaho Downwinders to get involved in your community.
To get involved with efforts working to address the ongoing uranium contamination crisis, visit the Southwest Research and Information Center. Urge your elected officials to support increased funding for the Uranium Mines Tailing Remedial Action Project (which is facing a 14% cut to its Environmental Cleanup Fund) to help clean up over 10,000 toxic uranium sites in 14 Western states.
To support efforts to prevent of the resumption of nuclear testing in Nevada and advocate for a clean environment for Utahans, visit Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah.
To raise your voice for the control and abolition of nuclear weapons,
- Contact your elected officials and ask them to support HR 669, the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act.
- Join the efforts of Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and get involved with their local chapter, the Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.